Distract-A-Match® with Fatal Reaction®


Distract-A-Match® and Fatal Reaction® are the ideal tools to help you deliver a simple and effective lesson about the dangers of distracted driving.

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Distract-A-Match® and Fatal Reaction® are the ideal tools to help you deliver a simple and effective lesson about the dangers of distracted driving.

Distract-A-Match is a simple puzzle game that uses a timed multi-tasking activity to show how difficult it can be. The lesson begins when the participant races against the clock to place shapes. The activity is then repeated with a distraction such as typing a text message on a cell phone or wearing the Fatal Reaction audio distraction unit. The activity ends when participants compare their first and second attempts playing the game. Typical results show that people will be slower and make more errors when distracted.

The Fatal Reaction audio distraction unit is a tool that is used to simulate the effects of cognitive distraction. Alcohol impairment, cell phones, eating, and tuning a radio are common distractions that can take your mind off the task of driving. Delayed audio feedback provides a slight echo effect that causes the participant to lose focus while speaking. This distraction takes away from the participant’s ability to complete the game and perform the multitask activity in a timely and efficient manner.

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