Drowsy and Distracted Driving Educational Resources

Every year, drowsy and distracted driving results in about 100,000 crashes, leading to more than 1,500 fatalities and 70,000 injuries. With more than half of U.S. adults reporting driving while sleepy or distracted, it’s clear that more needs to be done to educate the public about the dangers of these behaviors. If you serve as an instructor in a traffic safety program, you may be interested in some of the resources listed below. Resources are organized by type, such as fact sheets, videos, products, and activities.

Fact Sheets

NSC Fatigued Driving Statistics

What drivers may not realize is how much drowsy driving puts themselves – and others – at risk.

NHTSA Drowsy Driving Fact Sheet

Drowsy driving kills — but is preventable. Learn about three factors commonly associated with drowsy-driving crashes and pick up some helpful tips to avoid falling asleep at the wheel.

NHTSA Distracted Driving Fact Sheet

Get the facts, get involved, and help us keep America’s roads safe.


Browse our video library for product demonstrations, trailers, and other educational video content designed to explore the benefits of Fatal Vision products and best practices for using them in a drowsy or distracted driving prevention program.


Drowsy and Distracted Driving Prevention Ideas and Resources

Learn about the dangers of distracted and drowsy driving, and how educators can implement drowsy driving prevention programs to reduce the number of drowsy driving accidents on the road.

5 Benefits of Using Distracted Driving Simulators

To effectively teach at-risk populations about safe driving, engaging educational tools and activities can make a life-changing difference. Our distracted driving simulators are the perfect tool for your driving safety program.

7 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Distracted Driving Simulator

If you’re in the market for a distracted driving simulator, there are several factors to consider when making a purchasing decision. Consider asking these questions to help ensure you make a wise investment.

Activities & Tools

Find tools and activities you can use in a drowsy or distracted driving prevention program on our website, including:

  • Drowsy and Distracted Simulation Goggles
  • Distracted and Drowsy Driving Simulator
  • Activity Mats and Floor Banners
  • Other games and activities

Educational DVDs

Use the links below to learn about DVDs designed specifically for drowsy and distracted driving prevention programs.  

Texting & Driving: The Deadliest Distraction

Driving while texting kills 3,000 teens each year and injures 330,000 more. This DVD is a wake-up call designed specifically for youth and teen driving safety programs.

Asleep At The Wheel

Real-life accident victims reiterate chilling stories of the repercussions of drowsy driving. This DVD raises viewer awareness of warning signs and risk factors of drowsy driving and gives information to ensure alertness and responsible, safe driving.


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