Fatal Vision® Blog

Working with Experts

Published June 26, 2020

  Hello, my name is Michael Aguilar, President of Innocorp.  We get many questions about how we develop the Fatal Vision goggles and the goggle’s efficacy in changing people’s attitudes about impairment and impaired driving. In this video, I will be discussing how we develop our simulation googles and our use of experts in that […]

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Fatal Vision® Alcohol Goggles: Five Levels of Impairment

Published June 3, 2020

  Hello, My name is Joe Wirth from Innocorp, LTD. – makers of the Fatal Vision Alcohol Impairment Simulation Goggles and many other health and safety outreach tools. One of the questions I frequently hear when speaking with our customers about our Alcohol Impairment Goggles is, “What level of impairment should I purchase?” The correct […]

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Are Fatal Vision® Impairment Goggle Products Evidence-Based?

Published May 28, 2020

  Hi, this is Tim Jorgensen in Product Development with Innocorp Ltd. Sometimes we get the question- Are Fatal Vision® Goggle products Evidence-based? The simple answer is yes, the Fatal Vision® Impairment Simulation Goggles is evidence-based. There have been at least four studies and one White Paper looking at the effects of the Fatal Vision Impairment […]

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Opioid Goggles Show West Virginia a New Way to Confront Addiction

Published May 20, 2020

Opioid addiction is a challenge in West Virginia’s northern panhandle counties. But the counties of Hancock and Brooke look forward to educating the communities about the problem with the help of Innocorp’s Opioid Goggles. “Yes, opioid addiction is a big problem in our area,” said Mary Ball, project coordinator of the Advocates for Substance Abuse […]

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Fitting Opioid Goggles Into Prevention Program

Published May 18, 2020

Hanover County, Virginia, doesn’t play catch-up when it comes to addictive behaviors in the community. The Hanover Cares Coalition uses its resources to initiate dialogue and prevent addiction before it starts. Executive Director Octavia Marsh works throughout the county to educate teens, young adults, parents, and the general population on alcohol and other addictive substances. […]

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Innocorp’s WHY

Published May 8, 2020

  Hi, this is Deb Kusmec, Chief Operating Officer of Innocorp, Ltd.    During a planning meeting, a facilitator asked everyone at Innocorp what we do. We all gave a version of the same answer “we save lives.” That was a compelling answer. Do you know what’s even more powerful? Innocorp’s WHY.    Why do we create […]

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What is the Future of Health and Safety Awareness Programs?

Published May 7, 2020

On April 20th, 2020, we reached out to you, our Innocorp customers and contacts, asking for your thoughts about the future of health and safety awareness programs in light of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Many of you enthusiastically responded offering passion, concern, and excitement about what your future programming may look like and where it may […]

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Laughter – A Key to Understanding

Published April 24, 2020

  Hello, I am Jamie Stebbeds with Innocorp, Ltd., makers of the Fatal Vision® Impairment Simulation Goggles. We sometimes hear the comment from customers that, “their students or participants have too much fun with the goggles.” I asked an educator for her reaction to those comments, and her feedback was enlightening. “laughter,” she said, “can […]

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What Does it Mean to be Evidence-based?

Published March 26, 2020

Question: What Does it Mean to be Evidence-based? Evidence-based practices are approaches that have been rigorously evaluated in experimental evaluations – like randomized controlled trials – and shown to make a positive, statistically significant difference in essential outcomes. A program that has stood the test of rigorous experimental evaluations: has shown that it is supported […]

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Disinfection of the Fatal Vision Goggles


  Regarding the disinfection of the Fatal Vision® Impairment Goggles. As always, we strongly encourage anyone using our goggles in demonstrations to wipe the goggles with the Super Sani-Cloth Germicidal Dispensable Wipe between each use and let air dry. The EPA and PDI has listed these wipes on List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2, […]

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