Fatal Vision® Blog

Virtual Learning Resources and Tips for Your Traffic Safety Program

Published September 9, 2020

Are you conducting an online traffic safety program? Click here for virtual learning resources and tips, including our new impaired and distracted driving training tool.

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Tools for Your Opioid & Other Drugs Abuse Prevention Program


Looking for tools to use in an opioid or drug abuse prevention program? These engaging tools can be game-changers in your educational sessions.

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3 Tips for Implementing a Successful Drunk Driving Prevention Program


If you’re establishing a drunk driving prevention program, keep these tips in mind to ensure your alcohol education lessons stick with your audience.

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Drowsy Driving Prevention Facts and Resources


Learn more about drowsy and distracted driving with facts and statistics, and how to implement a drowsy driving prevention program, in this helpful blog post.

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11 Considerations When Buying a Texting and Driving Simulator


Looking to purchase a texting and driving simulator for your education program? There are several things to keep in mind when choosing which distracted driving simulator works best for your program.

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Tactical Functional Training and the 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Published August 31, 2020

By Michael Aguilar, President, Innocorp, Ltd. Introduction For more than twenty years, Innocorp has invested financial and creative resources into developing interactive and engaging tools to help advocates for traffic safety educate others on the dangers of impaired driving. In addition to alcohol impairment simulation, our product lines have expanded to include concussion awareness, marijuana […]

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Selecting the SIDNE® Package That’s Right for You

Published August 20, 2020

  Hi, my name is Tim Jorgensen in product development with Innocorp, Ltd. Today I want to give some guidance on our available SIDNE® packages and the right option for you to help meet your outreach goals. SIDNE is our Simulated Impaired Driving Experience®, a custom-built electric powered kart that gives drivers and passengers a […]

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Selecting the Fatal Vision Kit That’s Right for You

Published August 6, 2020

    My name is Joe Wirth from Innocorp, LTD. – makers of the Fatal Vision® Impairment Simulation Goggles and many other health and safety outreach tools. In this video, I will be explaining the three standard configurations of packages we’ve adopted for each of our lines of impairment simulation goggles. Those are the Program, […]

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Fatal Vision® – It’s more than just the goggle

Published July 16, 2020

  Hi, I’m Tim Jorgensen in product development with Innocorp Ltd.  We sometimes get the question- why am I required to buy the entire activity kit and not buy just the goggles with some product lines?    When we design an educational tool, we start with the end in mind. “What is a safe way […]

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How do Fatal Vision® goggles simulate impairment?

Published July 10, 2020

  Have you ever had someone say, “that’s not what it’s like!” when they try on one of our simulation goggles? Well, they are right. Our goggles won’t make someone feel drunk, high, or concussed. The goggles elicit the behaviors associated with alcohol, concussion, marijuana, opioids, and drowsiness and distraction impairment. It’s interesting, I’ve demonstrated […]

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