Innocorp Invited To Participate In Global Youth Traffic Safety Month Kick-Off Event in Washington DC

Innocorp Invited To Participate In Global Youth Traffic Safety Month Kick-Off Event in Washington DC

Published April 29, 2015

Verona, Wisconsin…Innocorp, the maker of the Fatal Vision® Marijuana Simulation Experience, will travel to Washington, DC on May 1st to participate in the kick-off event for Global Youth Traffic Safety Month at the National Collegiate Preparatory Public Charter High School. The event is being coordinated by the National Organizations For Youth Safety (NOYS).

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New Safety Product Raises Awareness About Impairments of Recreational Marijuana Use

Published February 19, 2015

Verona, Wisconsin…Innocorp, the maker of the Fatal Vision® Alcohol Impairment Simulation Goggles, launches their next safety education product, the Fatal Vision® Marijuana Simulation Experience, this month.

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New Safety Product Raises Awareness About Impairments of Recreational Marijuana Use

Published January 27, 2015

Verona, Wisconsin…Innocorp, the maker of the Fatal Vision® Alcohol Impairment Simulation Goggles, launches their next safety education product, the Fatal Vision® Marijuana Simulation Experience, this month.

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New Goggles Address Effects of Marijuana Use on Drivers


Across the country, some states and cities have been loosening laws concerning marijuana use. Michigan recently passed legislation to make the use of marijuana for [[more_placeholder]]

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On the Move with SIDNE® in Kentucky

Published October 20, 2014

Drug education in Kentucky is on the move in more ways than one. Eastern Kentucky students in grades seven through 10 have been attending a new drug education program in a mobile classroom and using SIDNE® to drive home the point of the presentation.

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DUI Offenders Get VIP Treatment with intoxiclock®

Published October 13, 2014

DUI offenders in Redding, California, find themselves getting VIP treatment. With one of the highest DUI rates in the state, Redding has put in place a Victim Impact Panel (VIP) training program that’s part of the DUI sentencing. One of the most important parts of that training uses Innocorp’s intoxiclock®.

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Counteracting Teens’ Risky Choices with Fatal Reflections®

Published February 19, 2013

According to a article on teen thought processes and risky behavior, teens think very differently than adults do. While adults tend to concentrate on the end results of a behavior, teens “may get lost in the details about specific risks and (become) overly focused on possible rewards, while ignoring the overall ‘gist’ of the problem—i.e., the ultimate consequences.”

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Focusing on distracted driving with SIDNE® (Simulated Impaired Driving Experience)

Published December 5, 2011

We’ve all been there, driving down the road behind a car that swerves back and forth in its lane. Not long ago, that was a sure sign of someone driving while impaired. These days, it’s all too often a sign of distracted driving.

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Fatal Vision® and SIDNE® Address a Growing Concern in North Dakota


What do root beer floats, a bouncy castle, Walmart, and oil have to do with SIDNE® (Simulated Impaired Driving Experience)? All five were part of an event in North Dakota meant to educate people about impaired driving.

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Judges trained on DWI using Fatal Vision® Goggles

Published July 12, 2011

Did you know that some judges go to college for training once they’re elected? It’s true. One of the most important topics they study is DWI—Driving While Intoxicated. And at the National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada, instructors use Fatal Vision® Goggles as a valued educational tool.

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